Te seremoni med Mila

One Eastern philosopher said: «tea refreshes the body, strengthens the spirit, softens the heart, awakens thoughts, drives away laziness». From my personal observations, tea also slows down time. A leisurely meditative tea ceremony, even at home, can distract you from external factors and immerse you in the world of inner contemplation and being in the moment. Exploring the pure taste and aroma of tea, as well as their changes during the brewing process from the first to the last infusion is one of the options for practicing mindfulness and developing perception. In addition, tea certainly has a number of useful properties, including an antioxidant effect, improved digestion, strengthening the heart and vascular walls, lowering blood sugar levels, improving cognitive abilities, preventing high cholesterol, increasing overall body tone and many others … I invite you to take a short break between yoga classes and try several types of tea with me, getting a boost of youth and health! See you at the festival 🌱

Mila vil under Yogafestivalen holde jevnlige te seremonier, hvor du som festivaldeltaker kan sette deg ned og nyte både smakene og inntrykkene av Te.

Mer om festivalen:
AromaTouch behandlinger med Lene Christin Thu under Haugesund Yogafestival
Vinyasa yoga med Aina Haugen